show iproute reserved-entries

show iproute reserved-entries {slot slot_num}


Displays the configured number of IPv4 and IPv6 routes reserved in the Longest Prefix Match (LPM) hardware table.

Syntax Description

slot_num For SummitStack only, this option displays the reservations for the specified slot.



Usage Guidelines

The IPv4 Routes column in the command output shows whether IPv4 routes are stored in LPM tables.

To modify the configuration that this command displays, use the following command:

configure iproute reserved-entries [ num_routes_needed | maximum | default ] slot [all |slot_num]


The following example displays the reserved space for IP routes:

# show iproute reserved-entries
                                         # Reserved Routes            Minimum #
Slot  Type                                IPv4   (or IPv6)            IPv4 Hosts
----  -------------------------------    -------  ------------------   ----------
1     5720-24MXW                          20432  ( 10216) [default]         4112

Maximum supported # IPv4 (or IPv6) Reserved Routes:
5320 16-port, 5320 24-port                8160  (  4080)
5320 48-port, 5420F, 5420M                12256  (  6128)
5520                                      16352  (  8176)
5720MW                                    16352  (  8176)
5720MXW                                   24544  ( 12272)

Note:  IPv4 Hosts can occupy unused HW Route table space,
       unless # Reserved Routes is "maximum".


This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 12.1.

Platform Availability

This command is available on all Universal switches supported in this document.